Monday, June 30, 2008

C25K: W1D3, Monday, 6/30/08

And today was day 3 of week 1 of C25K. I was supposed to complete day 3 yesterday, but I napped instead of running. And I'd rather be on a M/W/F schedule anyway.

I went 2.29 miles in 30 minutes (5 min walk for warmup, 8 intervals of 60-second run and 90-second walk, and 5 min walk for cooldown). Beautiful afternoon for a workout between 5:10 and 5:40 pm along Racine's lakefront.

We'll see how day 1 of week 2 goes on Wednesday.

Biked for an hour at the Y while waiting to go to yoga class. And yoga has been cancelled. It's the summer slowdown where enrollments are lower because people are doing other activities. So, no more yoga for me until I move to Chicago. At least now I know I want to continue doing it.

My exercise-induced asthma flared up a bit. I've been able to hold off on using my inhaler thus far tonight, which is a good sign.

Oh! I got new running shoes. They're Asics, which is a brand I have never worn, but today was the first workout with them and thus far, they seem to work fine. They're an 8.5W, which I have a harder time finding. My beloved New Balance 763s, which I wear for racewalking, are 9M. My right shin was bothering me a little today, and I suspect it's adjustment to running more than the new shoes, since I noticed it a little bit on my workout last Thursday.

I imagine my legs are going to hurt tomorrow. It's a good kind of pain. It tells me I'm doing something active. :)


Carrie said...

Shin splints. Must do toe taps! Just sit down so your thighs are parallel to the ground and, keeping your heels on the floor, tap your toes 50 times. Aim them to the right and repeat; turn to the left and repeat again.

I worked up to 100, and the splints disappeared completely. Now I only do taps every now and again, when my legs feel especially tight.

Anonymous said...

Which Asics? I have the 2130s (I think), and I like them.

Another exercise for shin splints is tracing the outline of the letters of the alphabet with your foot.

But the toe taps also sound good! I may try them for fun tonight while I'm killing time on the training call.